Pure ChocolatePure Chocolate
that takes advantage of the characteristics
of cocoa beans
To enable people around the world to enjoy the intense flavor of pure chocolate, we focus on procuring high quality cocoa to provide sustainable, high-quality pure chocolate.
Chocolate ingredients
Processing at cocoa farms

Processing at Fuji Oil Group companies

How chocolate is made
1. Blending
Mix the cocoa ingredients with sugar and milk.

2. Refining
Grind the ingredients finely until the chocolate is smooth and free of lumps.

3. Conching
Knead the mixture vigorously. This not only makes the chocolate smoother, but also brings out the flavor of cocoa.

4. Tempering
Adjust the temperature to stabilize the crystals of cocoa butter. This gives the chocolate excellent mouthfeel and a glossy finish.

5. Molding
Pour the mixture into the mold and vibrate it to eliminate air bubbles.

6. Cooling
Cool and harden.

7. Chocolate

Pure chocolate with strict criteria
for selection of ingredients
FUJI OIL(English)
FUJI OIL(English)
Sustainable Procurement
of Cocoa
The Fuji Oil Group works towards the prevention of deforestation and the prevention of child labor
on cocoa farms to ensure sustainable sourcing of its cocoa.
Fuji Oil Group and chocolate
Chocolate fillings that can withstand temperature changes
Cold ice cream and melt-in-the-mouth special coatings
Chocolate that keeps cones crispy
Chocolate for bakery products that meet a variety of needs
Bloom-resistant compound chocolate
Non-sticky chocolate
Certified cocoa-derived raw materials
Types and origins of cocoa beans
Tempering process to make beautiful chocolate
Better For You chocolate