About Us
About Fuji Oil Group
Our Business
Our Business
Major Business Sites
34 companies
in14 countries -
Consolidated Sales and
Operating Profit564.1 billion yen
18.2 billion yenFY2023
Traceability to
Plantation(TTP)95 %
- (Reference)TTP at100% by 2030
RSPO Certified
Volume Sourced -
CO2 Emissions Reduction
Scopes 1*1 & 2*229 % reduction*3
- Scope 1: Direct emissions of greenhouse gases from our own operations
- Scope 2: Indirect emissions of greenhouse gases from the use of electricity, heat and steam supplied by third parties
- Base year: FY2016
Our People
Our People
Number of Consolidated
and about70 % of them are working outside of Japanas of March 31, 2024
Percentage of Male Employee Taking Child Care Leave
73.9 %
- based on the employees of Fuji Oil HOLDINGS INC. and FUJI OIL CO., LTD.
External Recognition
For7 consecutive year
- Listed among the top 500 in the large enterprises category (White 500) of the 2024 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program by Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Nippon Kenko Kaigi.
Fuji Oil Holdings Inc. and Fuji Oil Co., Ltd. are listed
- Listed among the top 500 in the large enterprises category (White 500) of the 2024 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program by Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Nippon Kenko Kaigi.
Product Share
(company estimated)Vegetable Oils and Fats Business Share of Vegetable Fats for Chocolate (CBE)*
Industrial Chocolate Business Share of Industrial Chocolate
- Vegetable fats for chocolate with the same physical properties as cocoa butter
Dietary Education
Classes at SchoolsHeld a total of 218 times
For a total of 5,979
elementary school studentsas of March 31, 2024
Number of Patent
- The Number of Patent Registered in the World by Fuji Oil HOLDINGS INC. and FUJI OIL CO., LTD. (From 1950 to March 2024)