Message from the CFO and Information Disclosure RepresentativeGRI:2-22
Enhancing communication and co-creation with stakeholders to increase corporate value sustainably

In order to balance social, environmental and economic value while growing sustainably as a company, the Fuji Oil Group engages in dialogue with diverse stakeholders.*1 We continuously incorporate their expectations and social concerns into how we improve management and operate our business. Over the course of this stakeholder dialogue we explain to them our current Group policies and circumstances, which we believe helps foster trust and build a relationship for co-creation. For facilitating more constructive dialogue, we also realize that it is vital to disclose not only financial but also sustainability information in an easy-to-understand, clear and suitable way. This is a communication tool we are working towards.
Currently, the demand for sustainability-related information disclosure and the development of relevant standards are accelerating both in and outside Japan. We see this as a sign of how high societal interest in sustainability is, and at the same time as an expectation toward companies to demonstrate how they perceive environmental and social changes, as well as the related risks and opportunities, and to indicate whether they are growth-oriented from a medium- to long-term perspective. Furthermore, considering the shift in disclosure towards integrating financial and sustainability information, the trend moving forward will be to publish information in a form that meets the needs of multiple stakeholders — not only shareholders and investors, but customers, business partners and members of the next generation.
In this fiscal year’s sustainability report, we have disclosed information on “Governance,” “Strategy,” “Risk management” and ”Metrics and targets” for each material ESG issue priority action, referencing IFRS S1: General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information released by the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation, in addition to GRI standards.*2 In a first trial, we have also begun disclosure of nature-related information based on the Recommendations of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), to show our climate- and nature-related initiatives as integrally as possible.
Our Group has always grown by building relationships with all of our stakeholders through united efforts to solve social issues linked to food. We will continue to further co-creation with stakeholders in creating new value, and fulfill our accountability for the process and results, while striving towards highly transparent business activities and greater sustainable corporate value.
Sunao Maeda
Legal Division Representative and Information Disclosure Representative
Director, Senior Executive Officer
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Fuji Oil Holdings Inc.
*1 Stakeholder Engagement
- *2 Referenced since 2010, compliant since 2020.