News Release
FUJI OIL Receives Award of Excellence at Nikkei Annual Report Awards 2019
The Nikkei Annual Report Awards is a prestigious contest held by Nikkei Inc. every year since 1988 to enhance and disseminate annual reports .Each prize has been selected by fund managers and analysts, and by rigorous screening based on a variety of screening standards.
For FY2019, 133 entrees were submitted, from which one Grand Prize winner, three runners-up, two Special Award winners, and 14 Award of Excellence winners.
“FUJI OIL Integrated Report 2019” was recognized for the following reasons.
- -Readers are informed that the ESG management spirit has permeated and has been incorporated into the business strategy.
- -The honesty and transparency are high because the CEO's message and interviews with outside directors indicate the medium- to long-term direction of ESG management and issues to be faced.
The FUJI OIL Group will work to further improve our integrated report and continue disseminating information to our investors and stakeholders.
The FUJI OIL Group integrated report is available via the following link.