News Release
Release of Integrated Report 2020
We consider the following three key functions of the integrated report:
(1) Promote awareness of the Group’s business model to a wide range of readers in Japan and overseas,
(2) Convey our value creation story for the short, medium, and long terms, and
(3) Communicate our management policies and ESG initiatives to stakeholders within and outside of the Group.
In accordance with these objectives, we have prepared our Integrated Report for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2020 by referencing the disclosure framework of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) and by underlining the correlation of information and our relationship with various stakeholders.
By strengthening our mutual understanding with stakeholders through dialogues and the use of this report, we will create a virtuous cycle for the growth of our management.
Please refer to the following URLs for Integrated Report 2020 and Fact Book 2020 PDFs.
Integrated Report 2020
- Total of 103 pages / Japanese and English
(Chinese version will be published at the end of October)
-The main theme of this year is “transforming toward growth”, and we have detailed the Group’s long-term strategy as well as its approach to global governance in order to realize this long-term strategy in each CxO sections.

Fact Book 2020
The Fact Book 2020 is published as a separate edition. Please make use of it in conjunction with the Integration Report.

(Reference)Sustainability Report 2020
The Sustainability Report aims to report in a comprehensive and sincere manner to a broad range of stakeholders on how we consider and address the impact of our business activities on sustainability. Please refer to the website at the following URL.