News Release
Fuji Oil releases “Sustainability Report 2020”
The Fuji Oil Group released today the “Sustainability Report 2020”, for the first time based on the core of the “GRI standards”. It also announces the publication of the “ESG data book”, the “GRI standards comparison table” and the expected release of the “Integrated Report” later this month.
The Sustainability Report 2020 demonstrates the actions and progress of the Fuji Oil group toward a continuous increase of corporate value and contribution to sustainable development. The report also includes the company responses to the new coronavirus (COVID-19).
In its introduction to the report Mr. Takashi Kadota, Chief “ESG” Officer of Fuji Oil Holdings Inc. reflects on COVID-19 and ESG management:
“The values and behaviors of society have changed dramatically due to this pandemic. Companies are expected, not to only pursue economic value, but also to place importance on human health and employment as the basis for this pursuit.
Companies will not be able to survive unless they change their conventional business behavior and practices in response to the dramatic changes facing society.
We are confident that, after this pandemic, the world will further work toward sustainability, promoting ESG management”.
“I believe that engaging in a dialogue with sincerity and transparency will help promoting our learning and activities; and lead to an increased sharing of knowledge and wisdom with society.”
The Integrated Report to be released on September 17th 2020 (Late October, 2020 in its Chinese version) presents as overview of the Group business and corporate value over the medium and long terms. Its objective is to facilitate the dialogue with our stakeholders as a basis for further development of our management.
Fuji Oil Group’s Sustainability Report 2020 is available at:
Composition of “Sustainability Report 2020”
“Sustainability Report 2020” consists of four parts.
Parts | Description |
ESG management | This part presents the message from the C“ESG”O and introduces our thoughts on and setup for promoting ESG-minded management, ESG management priority themes (materiality) and stakeholder engagement, the foundation of ESG management. |
Activity report FY 2019 | This part introduces our basic approach, promotion system, and initiatives during FY2019 for the respective related themes on Environment, Social, and Governance. In addition, it introduces a response to the new coronavirus (COVID-19). |
Related materials | This is a page for downloading PDF files of the report of ESG data book, GRI standards comparison table, and Sustainability Report 2020. * The English and Chinese translations of the Sustainability Report 2020 (PDF) will be available in late September. |
Editorial policy | This part sets forth the policy applied in preparing and editing this report (e.g., period covered and report scope). |