News Release



Initiation of a Study of Business in Construction of a Soy Product Value Chain for Improvement of Nutrition and Increase in Income for Women in Burkina Faso
- Adoption for the Survey on Businesses to Address Developing-Country Issues (SDGs Business) implemented by the Japan International Cooperation Agency



On July 19, in preparing a study for business in construction of a soy product value chain to improve nutrition and increase income among women in Burkina Faso, the West African country, Fuji Oil Holdings Inc. (Hiroshi Shimizu, President and CEO; hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) was adopted for the “Survey on Businesses to Address Developing-Country Issues (SDGs Business)” implemented by the Japan International Cooperation Agency* (hereinafter referred to as JICA; in fiscal 2018, the first offering). This project is aimed at improving nutrition and increasing income among farmers through the procurement of soybeans and the development, manufacture, and sale of “soy meat” in Burkina Faso.


The Company is advocating “Plant-based food solutions,” i.e., the resolution of social issues through food products based on vegetable ingredients. Through this project, it is taking aim at contribution to attainment of SDGs as well as providing a rich variety of healthy foods in Burkina Faso and other countries in West Africa.


Along with the increase in consumption of chicken meat in neighboring countries in recent years, the production of soybeans as chicken feed has been expanding in Burkina Faso. The government of Burkina Faso is promoting the diversification of crop production including soybeans, and JICA is implementing projects to reinforce soybean value chains. These and other developments are raising expectations of an expansion of the soy industry in Burkina Faso.

As things now stand, however, the income of soybean farmers could not be termed stable, and the soybeans are exported to neighboring countries with only a low level of added value. Technology for processing soybeans for feed use is not in widespread diffusion, excluding very limited processing to make tofu and soy milk. Under the current circumstances, in which much of the population is underweight or otherwise not getting enough nutrition, there are high hopes for effective use of soybeans as a precious source of protein.

Approaches by the Fuji Oil Group

International Oils & Fats Ltd., our group company in Ghana, is procuring many shea nuts, a raw material for oils and fats, from Burkina Faso. In addition, for some 60 years, the Company has been developing and manufacturing a diversity of soy protein products, identifying various needs and issues among its customers, and providing products that contribute to their solution. It is aiming for the commercialization of soy food products in West Africa, where population is anticipated to increase greatly, and thereby to contribute to an increase in income for groups of soybean farmers including women who harvest shea nuts, as well as an improvement in nutritional issues.

※About the Survey on Businesses to Address Developing-Country Issues (SDGs Business) by the Japan International Cooperation Agency
The Survey program concerns proposals by Japanese corporations that are making plans for business to contribute to attainment of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) in developing countries. For the survey cost, JICA provides support of up to 50 million yen per proposal, and for a maximum of three years. The objective of the studies is to formulate business plans.

Meeting with farmers
Meeting with farmers