News Release
A food education project received the "Kids Design Award"
Kids Design Award is a system to honor the consideration to children, the high quality product, space, service program, research activity with standing the viewpoints of children.
This award aims to spread superior products, space, service widely and commonly to realize three design missions “for children live safely” "to grow up full of sensitivity and creativity" and "to create a society that makes it easier to have and raise children" that supported by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Consumer Affairs Agency, Cabinet Office.
This food education project works as a part of the CSR activity of the Fuji Oil Group. We convey "the food importance and the power pf soybean" through two kinds of foods classes of making sweets with soybean (soymilk pudding) and the soybean workshop for primary school children. The Fuji Oil Group will create an opportunity continuously to think about importance of foods and the global environment for children carrying the next generation.