News Release



Received WWF Japan “Business & Biodiversity Katte-ni Award” Special Prize


The Fuji Oil Group has received the WWF Japan “Business & Biodiversity Katte-ni Award” Special Prize (the “Chestnut-out-of-the-Fire Prize”) presented by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Japan. The Awards were instituted to recognize and honor companies which have positioned preservation of biodiversity as a task in the context of their business activities and are taking approaches to it. The selections were based on a careful perusal by the WWF Japan of information for the period December 2013 – November 2014 in environmental reports released by 1,818 companies listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. In 2009, the WWF launched a market transformation initiative on an international scale, and has been calling on firms to take action, emphasizing that they can make a substantial contribution to preservation of biodiversity through proper supply chain management.

Fuji Oil is tackling raw materials procurement issues as one of the priority themes of our CSR activities. We are also striving for proper disclosure of related information. The “Fuji Oil Group Sustainability Report 2014” released in September 2014 contains information on consideration for the global environment in our procurement of palm oil, our approaches to building a sustainable society, and our dialogue with external experts in such areas. Our selection for this special prize came in recognition of our proactive information disclosure on environmental issues that have become worldwide concerns and our contribution to the visualization of problems.

For more details, please see the WWF Japan website.