News Release



Tsukuba Research and Development Center and Protein Foods Tsukuba Plant with ISO 14001 Certification


FUJI OIL's Tsukuba Research and Development Center and Protein Foods Tsukuba Plant have recently acquired ISO 14001 certification. Presently, six business locations out of its seven domestic production and research bases have ISO 14001 certification. The Ishikawa Plant, which has not acquired ISO 14001 certification, is now aiming at acquiring ISO 14001 certification as soon as possible.

FUJI OIL's environmental arrangements begun early. FUJI OIL introduced privately owned electrical power facilities of the steam turbine type to its Hannan Business Operation Complex in 1969, followed by its first cogeneration facilities in 1994. The Hannan Business Operations Complex, which is FUJI OIL's largest production base, acquired ISO 14001 certification in the year 2000. Since then, Fuji Oil has been making efforts toward the acquisition of ISO 14001 certification in all of its production and research bases.

* Reference: Progress of FUJI OIL's main environmental activities


The Hannan Business Operations Complex completed power generation facilities of the steam turbine type.

The Hannan Business Operations Complex installed an electrical dust extractor in the smoke dust processing facilities for the boiler exhaust gases.

The Hannan Business Operations Complex constructed activated sludge facilities for drainage processing.The Hannan Business Operations Complex installed stack gas de-sulphurization facilities for the SOx processing of the boiler exhaust gases.

The Hannan Business Operations Complex started improvements in energy-saving facilities.

The Hannan Business Operation Complex installed anaerobic drainage processing facilities and boiler equipment for the combustion of generated methane.

Special water service facilities: The Hannan Business Operations Complex replaced a liquefaction chlorine pouring system with a hypochlorous acid soda system.

The Hannan Business Operations Complex completely replaced heavy fuel oil with city gas for the boiler equipment, achieved zero Sox discharge, and introduced its first cogeneration facilities.

Began acquiring ISO 14001 certification, established the FUJI OIL GROUP and FUJI OIL's environmental policy, and introduced the second cogeneration facilities to the Hannan Business Operations Complex.

The Hannan Business Operations Complex acquired ISO 14001 certification.

Woodland Sunny Foods acquired ISO 14001 certification. The Hannan Business Operations Complex introduced the third cogeneration facilities.

The Kobe Plant acquired ISO 14001 Certification.

The Sakai Plant acquired ISO 14001 Certification. The Sakai Plant and the Hannan Business Operations Complex introduced submerged membrane processing facilities. The Sakai Plant introduced sludge drying facilities. The Hannan Business Operations Complex and the Ishikawa Plant introduced okara (fibrous bean curd residue) dryer equipment. The Kanto Factory introduced Polypale container facilities.

The Kanto Plant acquired ISO 14001 certification. The Hannan Business Operations Complex introduced its second okara (fibrous bean curd residue) dryer equipment. The Hannan Business Operations Complex completed its fourth and fifth cogeneration facilities.