Performance Forecast
Indicates FY2024 performance forecasts.
See Financial Highlights for information on past earnings.
FY2023 Actual | FY2024 Forecasts | |
million yen (YoY%) | million yen (YoY%) | |
Net sales | 564,087 +1.2% | 645,000 +14.3% |
Operating profit | 18,213 +66.5% | 23,500 +29.0% |
Ordinary profit | 16,791 +73.3% | 18,500 +10.2% |
Profit attributable to owners of parent | 6,524 +6.5% | 12,000 +83.9% |
Currency rate
FY2023 Actual | FY2024 Forecasts | |
Currency rate (US$=¥) | 144.62 | 150.00 |
Currency rate (Euro=¥) | 156.80 | 164.00 |
Currency rate (BRL=¥) | 29.31 | 27.43 |
Currency rate (yuan=¥) | 20.14 | 20.83 |
[Notes on forward-looking statements]
*The earnings forecasts and other forward-looking statements indicated in these materials were created based on presently available information, and actual earnings may differ from forecast figures due to various factors.