News Release



Release of Integrated Report 2019


Today, Fuji Oil Group published the "Integrated Report 2019".
This integrated report provides a general overview of our group and outlines our medium-to-long term corporate values. By communicating this information, we hope to encourage our stakeholders (including shareholders and investors) to engage with us and offer suggestions for how we can further improve our business.

Report Summary

Based on the concept of "Plant-Based Food Solutions (PBFS)", we are promoting management reform with the aim of realizing sustainable growth and contribution to a sustainable society.

The main theme of this year's "Integrated Report 2019" is "Strengthening Group Management". In 2019, the US Blommer was added to the Group, and the challenge for a new stage of business strategy and management system began. In that context, we worked to describe about the increasing importance of group management, global management and governance, as well as recognition of issues.
A new Fact Book has also been issued, it helps your understanding the Integrated Report 2019.

  • Main Contents

    Message from the CEO
    About the Fuji Oil Group
    Group Management
    The Fuji Oil Group's Growth Strategy
    Group Financial Strategy

    The Japanese and English editions are 67 pages long.
    Chinese edition will be released in late September

  • Integrated Report 2019

Sustainability Report is issued to comprehensively report our views on our impact on society and our initiatives for sustainability to a broad range of stakeholders
(Sustainability Report 2019 will be available in September 2019.)