Fuji Oil Group Human Rights Policy

Basic Policy on Human Rights

Under the Fuji Oil Group Management Philosophy, Fuji Oil Group strives for realizing sustainable development in harmony with society by contributing to society through our core business while interactively communicating with stakeholders. In accordance with “Work for people”, one of the core values expressed in our Group Management Philosophy, we recognize our responsibility for respecting the human rights of people potentially affected by our business, and are committed to fulfilling this responsibility.

Fuji Oil Group supports and respects the International Bill of Human Rights (the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the two International Human Rights Covenants), and the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We are committed to fulfilling our responsibility to respect human rights by implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Implementation of the Responsibility to Respect Human Rights

  • Fuji Oil Group will develop and implement an ongoing human rights due diligence process. Through the due diligence process, we will identify actual or potential adverse human rights impacts that we may be involved in through our business, implement appropriate preventive or mitigation measures, and track and communicate progress and results in a continuous manner.
  • Should it become clear that any of our Group’s business activities cause or contribute to an adverse human rights impact, or are involved in an adverse human rights impact as a result of our business relationships, Fuji Oil Group will provide for a remedy through a process based on internationally recognized standards.
  • Fuji Oil Group will comply with the laws and regulations of countries and regions where it operates. Where there is a conflict between national laws/regulations and internationally recognized human rights standards, we will seek ways to respect international human rights to the maximum extent possible.
  • Fuji Oil Group will integrate dialogue and consultation with relevant stakeholders and external human rights experts into the implementation process of Fuji Oil Group Human Rights Policy (hereafter: this policy).
  • Fuji Oil Group will identify clearly responsibilities for implementation and execution of this policy, and supervise its progress and status.
  • Fuji Oil Group will provide appropriate training and education, for full integration and effective implementation of this policy through all of the Group’s operations.

Scope of Application

This policy applies to all employees and executives of Fuji Oil Group. Our Group will also encourage all of our business partners and suppliers to support this policy and promote respect for human rights.

Sustainability Report 2022